Monday, May 9, 2011

An All American Day

A weekend or two ago, we spent the weekend the all American way... First we ate In N Out for lunch. Delicious burgers, fries, and a strawberry shake, of course! Then we headed to the pool to catch some sun! Hadley girl is obsessed with bath time, so we thought we'd take her swimming to see how she liked it!

She loves being outside!
Here she goes!!
It was a little cold, so I wasn't sure if she'd like it or not, but for the most part she did! She never cried at least!
A little unsure sometimes...
She even laughed when I would kick her feet and splash in the pool!

She loves her daddy!
She loved being "crazy" in the pool
Look at those rolls! And the shaved head...! Hadley's little rolls are adorable!
Warming up!
After swimming Hadley girl took a nap in her stroller for about an hour next to me and Meredith while we caught some sun and swam laps. The boys (Mike, Tanner, & McKay) had fun in the hot tub! Little Gunnar took a snooze too and then hung out with us girls once he got hungry!
It was a fun day and we are looking forward to having more fun in the summer sun!!


  1. So cute! Oakley LOVES the water too! We should all go swimming together!

    PS. At first i was like "who is that guy!?" then i realized it was MIKE! I can't believe he shaved his head! What a crazy guy :)

  2. I love her straw hat! So cute! I need a day in the sun... too bad you are moving! We will come up to visit don't worry!!!

  3. Seriously... She is the cutest!!
